
On behalf of the Asian Pacific Organization for Cancer Prevention (APOCP) and its subsidiary (the West Asia Organization for Cancer Prevention- WAOCP), it is a great honor to present the inaugural issue of Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Nursing (APJCN). APJCN is separated from the Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention and is determined to become a leading journal for scientists and researcher of the world. APJCN inherited its activity from the 19-year body of the successful publication of the Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention (APJCP) and considers itself to be the APJCP sister publications.


According to the WHO / IARC, the cancer kills 8.2 million people each year, and each year 14 million new cancers are detected. Until 2035, if control conditions are fixed. It is expected that deaths will increase by 78% and the incidence will increase by 70%. In 2013, 1.314 million cancer deaths are estimated in the European Union, that its casualties is more than the number of deaths from HIV / AIDS, malaria and tuberculosiss [1-2], Due to the increasing prevalence of cancers And also the chronicity of the disease, These patients require long-term care, including palliative care, in this way, most people who provide care to these patients are physicians, nurses, and paramedics. During the hospitalization, nurses are involved in the diagnostic and therapeutic tests, surgeries, radiotherapy and chemotherapy of these patients and take care of them. Also, doctors and nurses help relieve pain, cure, illness, spirituality, patients and their families. Oncology nursing is a specified nurse who took care of cancer patients. Oncology nursing care can characterized as meeting the different needs of oncology patients during the time of their sickness including appropriate screenings and other preventive practices, side effect management, care to hold however much ordinary working as could be expected, and supportive measures upon end of life. The cancer nursing should meet the educational need of nurses and other health care professionals who provide care for cancer patients who receiving chemotherapy and biotherapy. They practice with a number of cancer disciplines, such as surgical, gynecologic, Pediatric and medical. Nurses have a responsible set of arrangement of duties regarding dealing with a patient with cancer. Nursing care includes assessment, support for therapies, pain control and passionate support. Pediatric cancer nursing is a specialty in medication that deals with the diagnosis and treatment of children’s, normally until the age of 18, who have disease. Notwithstanding nurses and doctors, the Pediatric oncology field depends on social workers, child life specialists and family mentors. They principally strive to help their patients to achieve reasonable medicinal services and goals. Nursing is dominated by women 90% of medical attendants are female. Women’s Health is in this way important for medical nurses as they administer to their own health and that of their patients. Nurses should actively focus on health training and roles to educate women with cancer about the risk factors and ways to reduce them.

On behalf of the Asian Pacific Organization for Cancer Prevention (APOCP) and its subsidiary (the West Asia Organization for Cancer Prevention- WAOCP), it is a great honor to present the inaugural issue of Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Nursing (APJCN). APJCN is separated from the Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention and is determined to become a leading journal for scientists and researcher of the world. APJCN inherited its activity from the 19-year body of the successful publication of the Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention (APJCP) and considers itself to be the APJCP sister publications.



  1. Jarrahi AM. The Inauguration of Asian Pacific Journal of Environment and Cancer.. Asian Pacific Journal of Environment and Cancer. 2018; 1(1):1.
  2. Organization WH. Data on the size of the HIV/AIDS epidemic: Number of deaths due to HIV/AIDS. Global Health Observatory Data Repository WHO, Geneva. 2014.