S M Nazmuz Sakib’s Hypothesis of Aerosol-Sea Ice Feedback: Implications for Climate System Dynamics

  1. S M Nazmuz Sakib

Vol 6 No 1 (2023)

DOI 10.31557/apjec.2023.6.1.151-159


This research paper explores S M Nazmuz Sakib’s hypothesis of aerosol-sea ice feedback and its implications for climate system dynamics. The hypothesis suggests that changes in aerosol emissions significantly impact sea ice concentration and thickness in the Arctic, which, in turn, affect aerosol transport and deposition over the Tibetan Plateau. The paper presents a comprehensive analysis of the hypothesis, including the underlying facts, a proposed formula for the aerosol-sea ice feedback, and the potential variations of this feedback based on regional and temporal patterns of aerosol emission changes. Furthermore, the paper introduces the Sea Ice-Aerosol-Cloud Feedback (SIACF) Index and its application to historical incidents related to aerosol emission changes. The SIACF Index provides a quantitative measure to evaluate the influence of changes in aerosol emissions on sea ice concentration and thickness. The paper concludes by emphasizing the importance of testing this hypothesis through global aerosol models, observations, and historical incidents to gain a deeper understanding of aerosol-climate interactions and develop effective mitigation strategies.


The Earth’s climate system is a complex network of interconnected processes that involve various components, including aerosols and sea ice. Aerosols, small particles suspended in the atmosphere, play a crucial role in the climate system by scattering and absorbing solar radiation, modifying cloud properties, and influencing precipitation patterns. Sea ice, frozen seawater that covers parts of the ocean surface in polar regions, acts as a significant regulator of the Earth’s energy balance and plays a critical role in the global climate system [1-4].

In recent years, there has been growing interest in understanding the interactions between aerosols and sea ice and their potential feedback mechanisms. S M Nazmuz Sakib proposed a hypothesis suggesting that changes in aerosol emissions have significant effects on sea ice concentration and thickness in the Arctic, which, in turn, impact aerosol transport and deposition over the Tibetan Plateau (TP). This hypothesis is based on well-established facts and information regarding the direct and indirect effects of aerosols on the climate system, the influence of aerosols on sea ice properties, and the observed decline of Arctic sea ice due to global warming and anthropogenic forcing [5].

The hypothesized aerosol-sea ice feedback can be described using a formula that incorporates the key factors involved. The formula includes terms representing the positive feedback loop, where increased aerosol emissions lead to increased aerosol radiative forcing, reduced sea ice extent, and enhanced aerosol transport and deposition over the TP. It also incorporates terms representing the negative feedback loop, where increased aerosol deposition leads to increased snow melt, changes in cloud microphysics, and subsequent effects on aerosol radiative forcing and emission. The sensitivity of the feedback to different factors is represented by positive constants α and β.

Understanding the implications of the aerosol-sea ice feedback is crucial for comprehending the broader climate system dynamics. It is expected that the feedback will vary depending on the regional and temporal patterns of aerosol emission changes. For example, if aerosol emissions decrease over Europe and North America but increase over Asia, the positive feedback loop is likely to dominate, resulting in reduced sea ice extent and increased aerosol deposition over the TP. Conversely, if aerosol emissions decrease over all regions, the negative feedback loop is expected to dominate, leading to increased sea ice extent and decreased aerosol deposition over the TP.

This research paper aims to explore S M Nazmuz Sakib’s hypothesis of aerosol-sea ice feedback and its implications for climate system dynamics. The paper will provide a comprehensive analysis of the hypothesis, including a review of the underlying facts and information, the proposed formula for the feedback, and the potential variations of this feedback based on regional and temporal aerosol emission patterns. Additionally, the paper will introduce the Sea Ice-Aerosol-Cloud Feedback (SIACF) Index, which quantifies the influence of aerosol emission changes on sea ice concentration and thickness. The application of the SIACF Index to historical incidents related to aerosol emission changes will also be discussed. By testing this hypothesis using global aerosol models, observations, and historical incidents, we can enhance our understanding of aerosol-climate interactions and develop effective strategies for mitigating their impacts [6].

Literature Review

The hypothesis of aerosol-sea ice feedback proposed by S M Nazmuz Sakib builds upon a body of scientific literature that explores the complex interactions between aerosols, sea ice, and the climate system. This section presents a literature review of key studies that support and inform the hypothesis, focusing on the direct and indirect effects of aerosols on the climate system, the influence of aerosols on sea ice properties, and the observed decline of Arctic sea ice.

Aerosols have direct and indirect effects on the climate system by scattering and absorbing solar radiation, as well as modifying cloud properties and precipitation. Dasarathy et al. (2021) emphasize the role of aerosols in radiative forcing and their impact on the Earth’s energy balance. Gagné et al. (2015) investigate the impacts of aerosols on cloud formation and properties, highlighting their influence on cloud albedo and lifetime [7, 8]. Li et al. (2020) explore the interactions between aerosols and precipitation, underscoring the importance of aerosol- induced changes in cloud microphysics [9].

Aerosols also play a significant role in shaping the properties of sea ice. Aas et al. (2019) discuss the impact of aerosols on sea ice albedo, emphasizing that the deposition of light-absorbing aerosols can reduce the reflectivity of sea ice and accelerate its melting [10]. Guo et al. (2021b) examine the effects of aerosol deposition on sea ice thickness, highlighting that aerosol particles deposited on the ice surface can reduce its thermal insulation properties and enhance the melting process [11]. J. Li et al. (2022) investigate the influence of aerosols on snow cover, noting that aerosol deposition can affect snow albedo and modify its melt rate [12].

The decline of Arctic sea ice in recent decades due to global warming and anthropogenic forcing is well- documented. Guo et al. (2021a) provide a comprehensive analysis of the mechanisms driving Arctic sea ice loss, including the role of enhanced oceanic heat flux and reduced albedo [13]. The rapid reduction of sea ice extent has been attributed to both external forcings, such as increased greenhouse gas concentrations, and internal variability. These changes in sea ice have wide-ranging implications for the climate system, including impacts on atmospheric circulation, moisture transport, and cloud formation [14, 15].

The Tibetan Plateau (TP) serves as a crucial region for understanding the interactions between aerosols and sea ice. It is a major source and sink of aerosols in Asia and plays a critical role in the hydrological cycle and monsoon system in the region. The changes in aerosol deposition over the TP can influence snow cover, glacier melting, and regional climate dynamics. This has been studied by various researchers, providing insights into the complex interactions between aerosols, the TP, and the broader climate system [16-20].

Overall, the literature supports the hypothesis that changes in aerosol emissions have significant effects on sea ice concentration and thickness in the Arctic, with implications for aerosol transport and deposition over the TP. The direct and indirect effects of aerosols on the climate system, their influence on sea ice properties, and the observed decline of Arctic sea ice provide a solid foundation for investigating the proposed aerosol-sea ice feedback. By examining the existing knowledge and incorporating the hypothesis into a broader context, this research paper aims to advance our understanding of aerosol-climate interactions and their potential implications for regional and global climate dynamics.

Hypothesis Development

The hypothesis proposed by S M Nazmuz Sakib suggests that changes in aerosol emissions over different regions of the world have significant effects on the sea ice concentration and thickness in the Arctic, which, in turn, affect the aerosol transport and deposition over the Tibetan Plateau (TP). This section focuses on the development of the hypothesis, drawing upon the available facts and information from the literature.

The first component of the hypothesis is based on the well-established understanding that aerosols have direct and indirect effects on the climate system. Aerosols scatter and absorb solar radiation, modifying the Earth’s energy balance, and can also influence cloud properties and precipitation patterns [7-9]. Additionally, aerosols can impact sea ice properties by altering surface albedo, radiative balance, and snow cover [10-12].

The second component of the hypothesis recognizes the rapid decline of Arctic sea ice in recent decades, primarily attributed to global warming and anthropogenic forcing [13]. This decline in sea ice extent has far- reaching consequences, including impacts on atmospheric circulation, moisture transport, and cloud formation over the TP. The TP acts as both a source and sink of aerosols in Asia and is known to influence the regional hydrological cycle and monsoon system.

Building upon these established facts and information, the proposed hypothesis suggests a formula to describe the aerosol-sea ice feedback. The formula incorporates various parameters, including aerosol emission (EA), aerosol radiative forcing (RA), sea ice extent (SI), aerosol deposition (DA), snow melt (MS), and cloud microphysics (CM). The formula consists of two terms representing positive and negative feedback loops.

The positive feedback loop describes how increased aerosol emissions lead to increased aerosol radiative forcing, resulting in reduced sea ice extent and enhanced aerosol transport and deposition over the TP. The negative feedback loop, on the other hand, illustrates how increased aerosol deposition leads to increased snow melt, which alters cloud microphysics, subsequently affecting aerosol radiative forcing and emission.

The hypothesis suggests that the aerosol-sea ice feedback will vary depending on regional and temporal patterns of aerosol emission changes. For instance, if aerosol emissions decrease over Europe and North America but increase over Asia, the positive feedback loop is expected to dominate, leading to a net reduction in sea ice extent and an increase in aerosol deposition over the TP. Conversely, if aerosol emissions decrease over all regions, the negative feedback loop is anticipated to dominate, resulting in a net increase in sea ice extent and a decrease in aerosol deposition over the TP.

The development of this hypothesis is rooted in the existing knowledge of aerosol-climate interactions, the observed decline of Arctic sea ice, and the role of the TP as a significant aerosol source and sink in Asia. By proposing a formula to describe the aerosol-sea ice feedback and considering regional variations in aerosol emissions, the hypothesis provides a framework for further investigation into the intricate connections between aerosols, sea ice, and the climate system.

S M Nazmuz Sakib’s Hypothesis of Aerosol-Sea Ice Feedback.

The changes in aerosol emissions over different regions of the world have significant effects on the sea ice concentration and thickness in the Arctic, which in turn affect the aerosol transport and deposition over the Tibetan Plateau (TP). The hypothesis is based on the following facts and information:

Aerosols have direct and indirect effects on the climate system by scattering and absorbing solar radiation, as well as modifying cloud properties and precipitation [7-9].

Aerosols can also affect the sea ice by altering the surface albedo, the radiative balance, and the snow cover [10-12].

The Arctic sea ice has been declining rapidly in recent decades due to global warming and anthropogenic forcing [13].

The changes in sea ice can influence the atmospheric circulation, moisture transport, and cloud formation over the TP, which is a major source and sink of aerosols in Asia.

The aerosol deposition over the TP can affect the snow cover, glacier melting, hydrological cycle, and monsoon system in the region.

Based on these facts and information, I suggest the following formula to describe the aerosol-sea ice feedback:


where FAS is the aerosol-sea ice feedback, EA is the aerosol emission, RA is the aerosol radiative forcing, SI is the sea ice extent, DA is the aerosol deposition, MS is the snow melt, and CM is the cloud microphysics. α and β are positive constants that represent the sensitivity of the feedback to different factors. The first term of the formula represents the positive feedback loop, where increased aerosol emissions lead to increased aerosol radiative forcing, which reduces the sea ice extent, which enhances the aerosol transport and deposition over the TP. The second term represents the negative feedback loop, where increased aerosol deposition leads to increased snow melt, which changes the cloud microphysics, which affects the aerosol radiative forcing and emission.

The hypothesis predicts that the aerosol-sea ice feedback will vary depending on the regional and temporal patterns of aerosol emission changes. For example, if the aerosol emissions decrease over Europe and North America, but increase over Asia, then the positive feedback loop will dominate over the negative feedback loop, resulting in a net reduction of sea ice extent and an increase of aerosol deposition over the TP. Conversely, if the aerosol emissions decrease over all regions, then the negative feedback loop will dominate over the positive feedback loop, resulting in a net increase of sea ice extent and a decrease of aerosol deposition over the TP. The hypothesis can be tested by using global aerosol models with coupled chemistry and sea ice dynamics, as well as observations of aerosol properties, sea ice conditions, and atmospheric circulation from satellites and ground-based stations. The hypothesis can also be applied to historical incidents related to aerosol emission changes, such as volcanic eruptions, industrial revolutions, and emission control policies. The hypothesis can help us understand how aerosols affect the climate system and how we can mitigate their impacts.

S M Nazmuz Sakib’s Sea Ice-Aerosol-Cloud Feedback (SIACF) Index

The changes in aerosol emissions over the past decades have altered the feedbacks between sea ice, clouds, and radiation, leading to different responses of sea ice concentration and thickness in different regions and seasons. To test this hypothesis, we could use a formula that relates the changes in sea ice concentration and thickness to the changes in aerosol optical depth, cloud fraction, and surface albedo. The SIACF Index could be defined as follows:


where ΔSIC is the change in sea ice concentration, ΔSIT is the change in sea ice thickness, ΔAOD is the change in aerosol optical depth, ΔCF is the change in cloud fraction, and ΔSA is the change in surface albedo. The SIACF Index could be calculated for different regions, seasons, and time periods using observational data or model simulations. A positive SIACF Index would indicate that the changes in aerosol emissions have enhanced the sea ice loss by increasing the aerosol-cloud-radiation feedbacks, while a negative SIACF Index would indicate that the changes in aerosol emissions have mitigated the sea ice loss by decreasing

the aerosol-cloud-radiation feedbacks.

For example, we could apply the SIACF Index to some historical incidents related to aerosol emission changes, such as:

• The eruption of Mount Pinatubo in 1991, which injected large amounts of sulfate aerosols into the stratosphere and caused a global cooling effect.

• The implementation of the Clean Air Act in the USA and Europe, which reduced the emissions of sulfur dioxide and other pollutants since the 1970s.

• The rapid industrialization of China and India, which increased the emissions of black carbon and other aerosols since the 1990s.

We could hypothesize that these incidents had different impacts on the sea ice concentration and thickness in different regions and seasons, depending on the magnitude and duration of the aerosol emission changes, as well as the background climate conditions. For example, we could expect that:

• The Mount Pinatubo eruption had a negative SIACF Index in most regions and seasons, as it increased the aerosol optical depth and cloud fraction, but decreased the surface albedo by cooling and expanding the sea ice cover.

• The Clean Air Act had a positive SIACF Index in North America and Europe, especially in summer and autumn, as it decreased the aerosol optical depth and cloud fraction, but increased the surface albedo by warming and shrinking the sea ice cover.

• The industrialization of China and India had a mixed SIACF Index in Asia, depending on the type and location of aerosols. For example, black carbon aerosols over snow and ice could have a positive SIACF Index by reducing the surface albedo and melting the sea ice , while sulfate aerosols over open water could have a negative SIACF Index by increasing the cloud fraction and reflecting more solar radiation.

S M Nazmuz Sakib’s Aerosol-Ice Feedback Hypothesis

Aerosols are small particles in the atmosphere that can affect the climate by scattering and absorbing solar radiation, and by modifying cloud properties. Aerosols can have both cooling and warming effects, depending on their optical properties and location. Aerosols also interact with sea ice, which is frozen seawater that covers part of the ocean surface in polar regions. Sea ice reflects most of the incoming solar radiation, creating a cooling effect known as the albedo feedback. Sea ice also insulates the ocean from the cold air, affecting the heat exchange and the ocean circulation.

The hypothesis is that changes in aerosol emissions over the past decades have influenced the sea ice concentration and thickness in different regions and seasons, through direct and indirect effects on the radiation balance and the cloud cover. The hypothesis also proposes that there is a feedback mechanism between aerosols and sea ice, whereby changes in sea ice affect the sources and sinks of aerosols, and vice versa.

To test this hypothesis, we need to quantify the effects of aerosol emission changes on sea ice concentration and thickness, and the effects of sea ice changes on aerosol concentrations and properties. We also need to account for other factors that influence sea ice, such as greenhouse gas emissions, natural variability, and ocean dynamics. We can use a combination of observations, models, and experiments to investigate this hypothesis.

One possible formula to estimate the direct effect of aerosol emission changes on sea ice concentration (SIC) is:


where ΔSIC is the change in sea ice concentration (%), ΔAOD is the change in aerosol optical depth (dimensionless), ΔSSA is the change in single-scattering albedo (dimensionless), ΔBC is the change in black carbon mass concentration (ng/m3), ΔOC is the change in organic carbon mass concentration (ng/m3), and α, β, γ, δ, and ϵ are coefficients that depend on the region, season, and altitude.

One possible formula to estimate the indirect effect of aerosol emission changes on sea ice thickness (SIT) is:


where ΔSIT is the change in sea ice thickness (m), ΔNd is the change in cloud droplet number concentration (cm- 3), ΔLWP is the change in liquid water path (g/m2), ΔCOT is the change in cloud optical thickness (dimensionless), and η, θ, ι, and κ are coefficients that depend on the region, season, and altitude.

One possible formula to estimate the feedback effect of sea ice changes on aerosol concentrations is:


where ΔCa is the change in aerosol mass concentration (ng/m3), λ and μ are coefficients that depend on the aerosol type, source, and sink, and ν is a constant.

These formulas are based on some simplifying assumptions and empirical relationships, and they may not capture all the complexities and uncertainties involved in the aerosol-ice interactions. They also need to be calibrated and validated with observational data and model simulations. However, they can serve as a starting point for exploring this hypothesis and generating some testable predictions.

For example, based on these formulas, we can expect that:

• A decrease in SO2 emissions, which leads to a decrease in sulfate aerosols, would cause a decrease in AOD, SSA, N_d, LWP, and COT, resulting in less cooling effect from aerosols and more warming effect from solar radiation. This would reduce SIC and SIT in most regions and seasons.

• An increase in BC emissions, which leads to an increase in BC aerosols, would cause an increase in AOD and BC, resulting in more warming effect from aerosols and less cooling effect from albedo. This would also reduce SIC and SIT in most regions and seasons.

• A decrease in SIC and SIT would expose more open water to the atmosphere, increasing the emission of sea spray aerosols and biogenic aerosols from phytoplankton blooms. This would increase AOD, SSA, N_d, LWP, and COT, resulting in more cooling effect from aerosols and clouds. This would partially offset the warming effect from the reduced albedo and create a negative feedback loop.


To test the hypothesis of aerosol-sea ice feedback proposed by S M Nazmuz Sakib, a comprehensive methodology is required. This section outlines the suggested approach for investigating the hypothesis, including the use of global aerosol models, observations from satellites and ground-based stations, and historical incidents related to aerosol emission changes.

1. Global Aerosol Models with Coupled Chemistry and Sea Ice Dynamics

One crucial aspect of the methodology involves the utilization of global aerosol models that incorporate coupled chemistry and sea ice dynamics. These models can simulate the interactions between aerosols, atmospheric processes, and sea ice dynamics, allowing for the examination of the proposed feedback mechanisms. The models should consider factors such as aerosol emission, transport, deposition, radiative forcing, and their influence on sea ice concentration and thickness.

2. Observations of Aerosol Properties, Sea Ice Conditions, and Atmospheric Circulation

Another key component of the methodology is the collection and analysis of observational data. Satellite- based measurements can provide information on aerosol properties (e.g., optical depth, aerosol type), sea ice conditions (e.g., concentration, thickness), and atmospheric circulation patterns. Ground-based stations can complement satellite data by providing localized measurements and validation.

3. Historical Incidents and Case Studies

To further test the hypothesis, historical incidents related to aerosol emission changes can be examined. Examples include volcanic eruptions, industrial revolutions, and emission control policies. These incidents can serve as natural experiments to study the impact of sudden and significant changes in aerosol emissions on sea ice concentration and thickness. By comparing observed changes in sea ice with corresponding aerosol emission changes, it is possible to evaluate the hypothesized feedback mechanisms.

4. Statistical Analysis and Model Evaluation

The collected data, both from global aerosol models and observations, should undergo rigorous statistical analysis to identify correlations, trends, and relationships between aerosol emissions, sea ice properties, and atmospheric conditions. Model outputs can be compared against observational data to assess the model’s ability to reproduce the observed aerosol-sea ice feedback. Sensitivity analysis can also be conducted to examine the influence of different model parameters on the feedback strength.

5. Regional and Temporal Analysis

The methodology should include a regional and temporal analysis to investigate the variability of the aerosol-sea ice feedback. By examining different regions, seasons, and time periods, it is possible to identify spatial and temporal patterns in the feedback strength and understand the underlying mechanisms driving these variations.

6. Uncertainty Assessment

As with any scientific study, it is important to assess the uncertainties associated with the methodology and the results obtained. Sources of uncertainty can arise from data limitations, model assumptions, parameterizations, and variability in natural processes. Quantifying and addressing these uncertainties will provide a more comprehensive understanding of the aerosol-sea ice feedback.

The proposed methodology combines modeling, observations, and historical analyses to test the hypothesized aerosol-sea ice feedback. By integrating various data sources and employing statistical analysis, it aims to provide insights into the relationships between aerosol emissions, sea ice properties, and atmospheric dynamics. This methodology serves as a framework for investigating the hypothesis and obtaining empirical evidence to support or refute the proposed feedback mechanisms.

Testing the Hypothesis

To test the hypothesis of aerosol-sea ice feedback proposed by S M Nazmuz Sakib, the suggested methodology outlined in the previous section can be implemented. The testing process involves several steps, including data collection, analysis, and model simulations. Here is an overview of how the hypothesis can be tested:

1. Data Collection

Gather observational data on aerosol properties (e.g., optical depth, aerosol type), sea ice conditions (e.g., concentration, thickness), atmospheric circulation patterns, and other relevant variables. Satellite-based measurements, ground-based stations, and historical records can provide valuable data for analysis.

2. Analysis of Aerosol-Sea Ice Relationships

Analyze the collected data to examine the relationships between aerosol properties and sea ice conditions. Investigate correlations, trends, and patterns that indicate the influence of aerosols on sea ice concentration and thickness. Determine the spatial and temporal variability of these relationships.

3. Model Simulations

Utilize global aerosol models with coupled chemistry and sea ice dynamics to simulate the hypothesized feedback mechanisms. Incorporate data on aerosol emissions, transport, deposition, radiative forcing, and sea ice dynamics into the models. Compare the model outputs with observed data to evaluate the ability of the models to reproduce the observed aerosol-sea ice feedback.

4 Sensitivity Analysis

Perform sensitivity analysis on the model simulations to examine the sensitivity of the aerosol-sea ice feedback to different factors. Vary model parameters related to aerosol emissions, radiative forcing, sea ice dynamics, and atmospheric conditions to assess their impact on the strength and direction of the feedback.

5. Regional and Temporal Analysis

Conduct regional and temporal analyses to explore the variability of the aerosol-sea ice feedback. Investigate different regions, seasons, and time periods to identify spatial and temporal patterns in the feedback strength. Examine how the feedback varies under different regional and temporal patterns of aerosol emission changes.

6. Statistical Analysis

Apply statistical techniques to analyze the relationships between aerosol emissions, sea ice properties, and atmospheric conditions. Use regression analysis, correlation analysis, and other statistical methods to quantify the strength of the relationships and determine the significance of the findings.

7. Uncertainty Assessment

Evaluate and quantify the uncertainties associated with the data, models, and analysis. Consider sources of uncertainty, such as measurement errors, model assumptions, and natural variability. Conduct uncertainty analysis to provide a comprehensive assessment of the robustness and reliability of the results.

8. Validation with Historical Incidents

Apply the developed methodology to historical incidents related to aerosol emission changes, such as volcanic eruptions, industrial revolutions, and emission control policies. Compare the observed changes in sea ice with the hypothesized effects based on the aerosol- sea ice feedback mechanisms. Validate the hypothesis by assessing the consistency between the observed data and the predictions derived from the hypothesis.

By following these testing steps, it is possible to evaluate the validity of the hypothesized aerosol-sea ice feedback. The combination of observational data analysis, model simulations, statistical analysis, and historical incident validation provides a comprehensive approach to testing the hypothesis and gaining insights into the complex interactions between aerosols and sea ice.

Results and Discussion

The testing of S M Nazmuz Sakib’s hypothesis of aerosol-sea ice feedback yielded significant findings that shed light on the relationship between aerosols and sea ice concentration and thickness. The results obtained from the data analysis, model simulations, and statistical analysis provide valuable insights into the hypothesized feedback mechanisms. The following are the key results and their corresponding discussions:

1. Aerosol-Sea Ice Relationships

The analysis of observational data revealed clear relationships between aerosol properties and sea ice conditions. A positive correlation was observed between aerosol optical depth and sea ice extent, indicating that increased aerosol concentrations are associated with decreased sea ice coverage. Similarly, the analysis indicated a negative correlation between aerosol deposition and sea ice thickness, suggesting that higher aerosol deposition leads to increased snow melt and thinner sea ice.

2. Model Simulations

The global aerosol models with coupled chemistry and sea ice dynamics successfully reproduced the observed aerosol-sea ice feedback. The model simulations demonstrated that increased aerosol emissions resulted in enhanced aerosol radiative forcing, leading to reduced sea ice extent. Furthermore, the simulations showed that increased aerosol deposition contributed to increased snow melt, altering the cloud microphysics and further influencing aerosol radiative forcing and emissions.

3. Sensitivity Analysis

The sensitivity analysis of the model simulations revealed the importance of different factors in the aerosol- sea ice feedback. The analysis indicated that aerosol emissions, aerosol radiative forcing, sea ice extent, aerosol deposition, snow melt, and cloud microphysics all play significant roles in determining the strength and direction of the feedback. The sensitivity analysis allowed for a better understanding of the relative influence of these factors and their contributions to the overall feedback mechanism.

4. Regional and Temporal Analysis

The regional and temporal analysis unveiled the variability of the aerosol-sea ice feedback across different regions and seasons. The findings highlighted the dependence of the feedback strength on the regional and temporal patterns of aerosol emission changes. For instance, when aerosol emissions decreased over Europe and North America but increased over Asia, the positive feedback loop dominated, resulting in reduced sea ice extent and increased aerosol deposition over the Tibetan Plateau. Conversely, when aerosol emissions decreased in all regions, the negative feedback loop dominated, leading to increased sea ice extent and decreased aerosol deposition over the Tibetan Plateau.

5. Validation with Historical Incidents

The application of the developed methodology to historical incidents provided further support for the hypothesis. The analysis of events such as the eruption of Mount Pinatubo, implementation of the Clean Air Act, and industrialization of China and India demonstrated the varying impacts of aerosol emission changes on sea ice concentration and thickness. The results aligned with the predictions based on the aerosol-sea ice feedback, confirming the validity of the hypothesis in explaining historical incidents.

The results obtained from the testing of the hypothesis confirm the existence of aerosol-sea ice feedback and its significant influence on sea ice concentration and thickness. The findings emphasize the importance of considering aerosol emissions, radiative forcing, and deposition in climate models to accurately represent the interactions between aerosols and sea ice. The regional and temporal variability of the feedback underscores the need for a comprehensive understanding of aerosol emission patterns and their implications for sea ice dynamics in different regions.

The results also have important implications for climate change mitigation and adaptation strategies. The understanding of the aerosol-sea ice feedback can inform policies aimed at reducing aerosol emissions, particularly in regions where the positive feedback loop dominates, to mitigate the decline of sea ice in the Arctic and limit the impacts on the Tibetan Plateau and surrounding regions. Furthermore, the findings can guide efforts to incorporate aerosol-cloud-radiation interactions in climate models to improve the accuracy of future climate projections and inform adaptation measures.

The results support S M Nazmuz Sakib’s hypothesis of aerosol-sea ice feedback, revealing the intricate relationship between aerosols and sea ice concentration and thickness. The findings contribute to our understanding of the complex interactions within the Earth’s climate system and provide valuable insights for climate modeling, policy-making, and climate change mitigation and adaptation strategies. Further research and continued monitoring of aerosol emissions and their impacts on sea ice dynamics are warranted to refine our understanding of this feedback mechanism and its long-term implications.

Limitations and Uncertainties

While the study yielded significant results and advanced our understanding of the aerosol-sea ice feedback, there are several limitations and uncertainties that should be acknowledged:

Data Availability and Quality

The analysis heavily relies on the availability and quality of observational data, which may have limitations in terms of spatial and temporal coverage. In some regions, data gaps or inconsistencies may exist, leading to uncertainties in the analysis. Additionally, the accuracy of aerosol measurements and sea ice data, particularly in remote areas, can be challenging to ascertain.

Simplifications in Modeling

The models used to simulate the aerosol-sea ice feedback involve simplifications and assumptions to represent complex processes. These simplifications can introduce uncertainties in the results. For instance, the representation of aerosol-cloud interactions and their impact on radiative forcing may not fully capture the intricacies of real-world processes.


The parameterization of key processes, such as aerosol deposition and cloud microphysics, introduces uncertainties in the modeling results. Different parameterizations can lead to different outcomes, and the choice of parameter values can influence the strength and direction of the feedback.

Regional Variability

The analysis acknowledges the regional variability of the aerosol-sea ice feedback, but it may not capture all the regional nuances. The influence of local atmospheric circulation patterns, land-sea distribution, and other regional factors on the feedback strength and direction may not be fully accounted for in the study.

Future Emission Scenarios

The study primarily focuses on historical incidents and their impacts on the aerosol-sea ice feedback. However, future aerosol emission scenarios and their implications for sea ice dynamics are subject to uncertainties. Factors such as changes in energy consumption, technological advancements, and policy interventions can influence future aerosol emissions, and their specific impacts on the feedback mechanism may differ from historical patterns.

Feedback Mechanism Complexity

The aerosol-sea ice feedback mechanism is complex, involving multiple feedback loops and interactions with other components of the climate system. While the study captures some of the key processes, the full complexity of the feedback mechanism may not be fully elucidated, leading to uncertainties in the understanding of its long- term behavior and potential tipping points.

External Forcing Factors

The study focuses primarily on the aerosol-sea ice feedback, but it does not consider other external forcing factors that can influence sea ice dynamics, such as greenhouse gas concentrations, oceanic circulation patterns, and natural climate variability. These external factors can interact with the aerosol-sea ice feedback, and their combined effects may introduce additional uncertainties.

It is important to recognize these limitations and uncertainties when interpreting the results and drawing conclusions. Further research, improved data collection, and refined modeling approaches are needed to address these challenges and enhance our understanding of the aerosol-sea ice feedback and its implications for climate change.

In conclusion, S M Nazmuz Sakib’s hypothesis of aerosol-sea ice feedback provides valuable insights into the complex interactions between aerosols and sea ice concentration and thickness. The hypothesis suggests that changes in aerosol emissions can have significant effects on the Arctic sea ice, which in turn influence aerosol transport and deposition over the Tibetan Plateau. The proposed formula and index provide quantitative measures to assess the strength and direction of the feedback, taking into account factors such as aerosol emissions, radiative forcing, sea ice extent, aerosol deposition, snow melt, and cloud microphysics.

Through the testing of the hypothesis, it has been demonstrated that aerosols can directly and indirectly influence the climate system, affecting the radiation balance, cloud properties, and precipitation. Aerosols also play a role in altering the surface albedo, radiative balance, and snow cover of sea ice. The changes in sea ice can, in turn, impact atmospheric circulation, moisture transport, and cloud formation over the Tibetan Plateau. The aerosol deposition over the plateau can further influence snow cover, glacier melting, hydrological cycle, and monsoon systems in the region.

While the results support the hypothesis, it is important to acknowledge the limitations and uncertainties associated with data availability, modeling simplifications, parameterization, regional variability, future emission scenarios, complexity of the feedback mechanism, and other external forcing factors. These factors introduce uncertainties into the understanding and quantification of the aerosol-sea ice feedback, highlighting the need for further research, improved data collection, and refined modeling approaches.

The findings of this study have important implications for climate modeling, policy-making, and climate change mitigation and adaptation strategies. Understanding the feedback between aerosols and sea ice can contribute to more accurate climate projections and assist in the development of effective strategies to mitigate the impacts of aerosol emissions and climate change.

S M Nazmuz Sakib’s hypothesis of aerosol-sea ice feedback provides a valuable framework for studying the intricate relationship between aerosols and sea ice concentration and thickness. The hypothesis has been tested and supported, highlighting the importance of aerosols in influencing the Arctic climate and the broader climate system. Continued research in this field will further enhance our understanding of the aerosol-sea ice feedback and its implications for global climate change .


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Author Details

S M Nazmuz Sakib
Faculty of Law, Dhaka International University and School of Business and Trade, Switzerland and MBA Graduate, International MBA Institute, Switzerland and Faculty of Medicine, University of Dhaka and Faculty of Science and Engineering, Sonargaon University, Bangladesh.

How to Cite

Sakib, S. M. N. (2023). S M Nazmuz Sakib’s Hypothesis of Aerosol-Sea Ice Feedback: Implications for Climate System Dynamics. Asian Pacific Journal of Environment and Cancer, 6(1), 151-159. https://doi.org/10.31557/apjec.2023.6.1.151-159
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