Special issue on: Oncology Practices amid COVID-19 Pandemic


COVID-19 pandemic has affected healthcare services across the globe and cancer care delivery is not an exception. Global lockdown has largely changed the cancer care practice from hospital visits to teleconsultations to check the spread of novel coronavirus 2019 as cancer patients are more susceptible to any infection than other individuals because of their systemic immunosuppressive state caused by the malignancy and anticancer treatments.  

There have been many important issues to be addressed as far as cancer care delivery in amid COVID-19 pandemic is concerned. We have recorded a very high number of submission related to cancer management and COVID-19 but it is very difficult to accommodate all the manuscript on similar topic respecting the diversity of our journal. Cancer care is in limbo as patients are unable to reach to hospital in view of imposed travel restrictions. As this disease is very new, there is a paucity of data on experience of cancer management in this crisis from different countries and most of the data are emerging from China.

Thus, Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Care (APJCC) has come up with a special issue titled “Oncology practices amidst COVID-19 pandemic” to get better insight of the problem in different countries. This special issue will feature article type as Research articles, Case reports, Case series, Viewpoints, Commentary, short communication, perspective and Letter to editor with below mentioned focus area

The important feature for submitted manuscripts will include

Accepted Manuscript Types

Letters and responses must not exceed 750 words in length. Financial associations or other potential conflicts of interest must be declared.

Manuscripts are welcomed for this special issue. The last date of submission is July 10th, 2020.

To submit: visit the journal website at http://apjcc.waocp.com.  You need to register and then submit your manuscript.

Editorial Team,   Asian pacific Journal of CancerCare