Alcohol Consumption and Cancer Risk: A Meta-Analysis and Systematic Review in Germany

  1. Yaser Soleimani ,
  2. Hamid Sadeghi ,
  3. Amir Mohammad Ahmadi ,
  4. Kosar Emadi ,
  5. Arian Elyasi ,
  6. Ali AhangarKani ,
  7. Nima Shariati Far ,
  8. Mahdi Daraei ,
  9. Setareh Sabeti ,
  10. Alireza Mosavi Jarrahi

Vol 7 No 1 (2024)

DOI 10.31557/apjec.2024.7.1.163-166


Background: Alcohol consumption is a prevalent behavior in Germany, deeply rooted in cultural traditions and societal norms. The relationship between alcohol consumption and cancer risk has been extensively studied globally, with evidence suggesting a positive association. However, the nuances of this association within the German population remain to be fully elucidated, considering the diverse patterns of alcohol consumption and regional variations in cancer incidence.

Methods: This protocol outlines the methodology for a systematic review and meta-analysis aimed at examining the association between alcohol consumption and cancer risk in Germany. A comprehensive search strategy will be employed to identify relevant studies published until 2024. Inclusion criteria will encompass observational studies reporting on alcohol consumption levels and cancer incidence or mortality outcomes among adults in Germany. Data extraction, quality assessment, and statistical analyses will be conducted following established guidelines, including subgroup analyses based on alcohol type, consumption level, and cancer type.

Results: The anticipated results will include a synthesis of the literature on alcohol consumption and cancer risk in Germany. The protocol expects to identify a substantial number of studies meeting the inclusion criteria, providing a robust dataset for meta-analysis. The meta-analysis will explore the association between alcohol consumption and overall cancer risk, as well as conduct subgroup analyses to investigate differential associations with specific cancer types based on alcohol type and consumption level.

Conclusion: This protocol outlines a systematic approach to examining the association between alcohol consumption and cancer risk in Germany. The anticipated results will contribute to a better understanding of this relationship within the German population, informing evidence-based public health interventions and policy initiatives aimed at reducing the burden of alcohol-related cancers.



Alcohol consumption represents a widespread social and cultural phenomenon in Germany [1], deeply ingrained in various aspects of daily life, social gatherings, and traditional celebrations. The cultural acceptance and prevalence of alcohol consumption, ranging from beer festivals to wine regions, underscore the significance of understanding its potential health implications, particularly concerning cancer risk [2].

The link between alcohol consumption and cancer risk has been extensively studied across diverse populations globally. Epidemiological evidence consistently indicates that higher levels of alcohol consumption are associated with an increased risk of several types of cancer [3, 4], including but not limited to breast [4], colorectal [3], liver [5], and esophageal [6] cancers. These associations often exhibit dose-response relationships, with heavier alcohol consumption correlating with higher cancer risks.

In the context of Germany, where alcohol consumption patterns vary regionally and across demographic groups, examining the specific nuances of this relationship becomes paramount. For instance, the prevalence of beer consumption in certain regions juxtaposed with wine- producing areas highlights potential variations in the types of alcohol consumed and their respective impact on cancer risk profiles [7].

Furthermore, understanding the interplay between alcohol consumption and other lifestyle factors, such as smoking habits, dietary patterns, physical activity levels, and genetic predispositions, is crucial for a comprehensive assessment of cancer risk. Germany’s diverse population demographics and health behaviors offer an opportunity to explore potential interactions and synergistic effects that may contribute to varying cancer outcomes.

The public health implications of alcohol-related cancer risk in Germany extend beyond individual health consequences to encompass broader societal impacts. High cancer incidence rates can strain healthcare resources, necessitating effective prevention and intervention strategies. Moreover, addressing alcohol-related cancer risk aligns with broader public health initiatives focused on promoting healthy lifestyles, reducing disease burdens, and enhancing population health outcomes.

Against this backdrop, conducting a systematic review and meta-analysis focused on alcohol consumption and cancer risk specifically within the German population is not only scientifically pertinent but also carries significant public health relevance. By synthesizing existing evidence, identifying gaps or inconsistencies in current literature, and elucidating potential mechanisms underlying the alcohol-cancer nexus, this review aims to inform evidence-based policies, clinical guidelines, and public health interventions tailored to the unique context of Germany.


While the global literature on alcohol-related cancer risk is extensive, there is a need for region-specific investigations to understand how cultural, genetic, and lifestyle factors may influence this relationship. Germany’s diverse drinking habits, ranging from beer- centric regions like Bavaria to wine-producing areas like the Moselle Valley, provide a nuanced landscape for studying alcohol consumption patterns and their health consequences. Additionally, Germany’s comprehensive healthcare system and data collection mechanisms allow for thorough epidemiological studies on alcohol-related health outcomes.

The rationale behind conducting a meta-analysis and systematic review within the German population is to fill existing gaps in knowledge regarding alcohol- related cancer risk factors. By focusing on this specific demographic, the study aims to provide insights into the prevalence of alcohol-related cancer risk factors among Germans and their potential public health implications.

Understanding these factors can guide the development of targeted interventions, screening programs, and policy strategies aimed at mitigating the burden of alcohol-related cancers in Germany.


1. Synthesize Existing Research: To compile and analyze existing studies specific to the German population that investigate the association between alcohol consumption and cancer risk. This synthesis will provide a comprehensive overview of the current state of knowledge regarding alcohol-related cancer risk factors in Germany.

2. Evaluate Prevalence and Implications: To critically evaluate the prevalence of alcohol-related cancer risk factors among Germans and assess their potential implications for public health. This involves examining factors such as alcohol consumption levels, types of cancers affected, demographic variations, and regional differences.

3. Identify Patterns and Trends: To identify patterns, trends, and dose-response relationships between different levels of alcohol consumption and various types of cancer within the German context. This analysis will help uncover nuanced associations and inform targeted prevention strategies.

4. Inform Evidence-Based Recommendations: To use the synthesized data and analysis to inform evidence-based recommendations for individuals, healthcare providers, and policymakers regarding alcohol use and cancer prevention efforts in Germany. These recommendations aim to translate research findings into actionable strategies for reducing alcohol-related cancer burden.

By achieving these objectives, this study aims to contribute valuable insights into the complex interplay between alcohol consumption and cancer risk within the unique cultural and healthcare landscape of Germany.

Materials and Methods

Literature Search

A systematic search will be conducted across major scientific databases, including PubMed, Scopus, and Web of Science, using keywords such as “alcohol consumption,” “cancer risk,” and “Germany.” The search will be limited to studies published until 2024.

Inclusion Criteria

Studies will be included if they meet the following criteria:

- Original research articles published in peer-reviewed journals.

- Studies conducted in Germany or focused on German populations.

- Studies investigating the association between alcohol consumption and various types of cancer risk.

- Studies reporting quantitative data such as relative risks (RRs), odds ratios (ORs), or hazard ratios (HRs) with confidence intervals (CIs).

Data Extraction

Relevant data from selected studies will be extracted, including study design, sample size, alcohol consumption categories, types of cancer studied, effect measures, and adjustments for confounding factors.

Quality Assessment

The quality of included studies will be assessed using established criteria such as the Newcastle-Ottawa Scale for observational studies and the Cochrane risk of bias tool for randomized controlled trials.

Statistical Analysis

A meta-analysis will be performed using appropriate statistical methods to calculate pooled effect sizes and 95% confidence intervals. Subgroup analyses will be conducted based on alcohol consumption levels and cancer types.


Our systematic review will commence with a thorough data extraction process, systematically gathering pertinent information from the selected studies. This includes comprehensive details such as the study design, sample size, participant demographics (including age and gender distributions), methods used for assessing alcohol consumption (ranging from self-reported measures to more objective assessments), types of cancer investigated, and the specific outcome measures related to cancer risk that were examined. Once the data extraction phase is complete, our team will proceed to synthesize the extracted data in a cohesive manner. This synthesis aims to provide a clear and comprehensive understanding of the observed relationship between alcohol consumption and cancer risk within the German population, drawing insights from the diverse array of studies included in our review.

Following data synthesis, we will conduct a quantitative synthesis, commonly known as a meta- analysis, for those studies that offer comparable data on alcohol consumption and its associated cancer risk. This statistical approach enables us to aggregate data from multiple studies, generating an overall estimate of the effect size. Depending on the observed heterogeneity among the included studies, both random-effects and fixed-effects models will be considered to derive a robust pooled estimate of the association.

Moreover, subgroup analyses will be performed to delve deeper into potential sources of heterogeneity and explore variations in the association between alcohol consumption and cancer risk. These analyses will stratify the data based on factors such as the types of alcohol consumed (e.g., beer, wine, spirits), levels of alcohol consumption (ranging from light to heavy), specific cancer types studied, and the different study designs employed (e.g., cohort studies, case-control studies).

To ensure the reliability and robustness of our findings, sensitivity analyses will be conducted. These analyses will assess the impact of methodological choices on the overall results, including the exclusion of studies with a high risk of bias or low methodological quality, the exploration of different statistical models (e.g., random-effects vs. fixed-effects), and the evaluation of the effect of including or excluding specific studies based on predefined criteria. Additionally, we will scrutinize potential reporting bias, such as publication bias or selective reporting within studies, employing techniques like funnel plots and statistical tests (e.g., Egger’s test). Any identified biases will be critically discussed in the final review report, along with their potential implications for the interpretation of the results.

Furthermore, a rigorous quality assessment of the included studies will be conducted using established tools such as the Newcastle-Ottawa Scale or the Cochrane Risk of Bias Tool. This assessment will evaluate various domains of study quality, including risk of bias, methodological rigor, and overall study validity, thereby contributing to a nuanced interpretation of the findings.

In summarizing our systematic review’s findings, we will present a comprehensive overview encompassing the overall effect size and direction of the association between alcohol consumption and cancer risk within the German population. We will highlight the results of subgroup analyses, sensitivity analyses, reporting bias assessments, and the quality assessment of included studies, providing a structured and insightful narrative that elucidates the review’s key findings and implications.


The findings of this meta-analysis and systematic review will underscore the importance of understanding the impact of alcohol consumption on cancer risk among Germans. While moderate alcohol intake has been suggested to confer certain health benefits, our results will highlight the need for caution due to the increased risk of cancer associated with alcohol consumption. Public health interventions and targeted awareness campaigns may be warranted to educate the population about the potential risks and promote healthier drinking behaviors. Further research, including longitudinal studies and mechanistic investigations, will be essential to elucidate the underlying pathways linking alcohol consumption to cancer development in the German context.


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Author Details

Yaser Soleimani
Medical School, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran.

Hamid Sadeghi
Medical School, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran.

Amir Mohammad Ahmadi
Medical School, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran.

Kosar Emadi
Medical School, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran.

Arian Elyasi
Medical engineering, FH Aachen, Germany.

Ali AhangarKani
Medical School, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran.

Nima Shariati Far
Medical School, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran.

Mahdi Daraei
Medical School, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran.

Setareh Sabeti
Medical School, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran.

Alireza Mosavi Jarrahi
Cancer Research Centre, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran.

How to Cite

Soleimani, Y., Sadeghi, H., Ahmadi, A. M., Emadi, K., Elyasi, A., AhangarKani, A., Shariati Far, N., Daraei, M., Sabeti, S., & Mosavi Jarrahi, A. (2024). Alcohol Consumption and Cancer Risk: A Meta-Analysis and Systematic Review in Germany. Asian Pacific Journal of Environment and Cancer, 7(1), 163-166.
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