journal description
The Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Biology (APJCB) is an open access electronic journal, which covers all aspects related to cancer biology. The journal was launched in 2016 as the official publication of Asian Pacific Organization for Cancer Prevention (APOCP) by its west Asia Chapter (West Asia Organization for Cancer prevention -WAOCP) . All manuscripts published in the Asia Pacific Journal of Cancer Biology, are under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. This permits anyone to copy, distribute, transmit and adapt the published work, provided the original work and source are appropriately cited.
latest articles

Enhanced Therapeutic Potential of Paclitaxel-Loaded Niosomes on Ovarian Cancer Cell Line
Fardpour M., Falahi Robattorki F., Sarabi H., Zarazvand F., Arvand S., Saegh A.

Systematic Review: Comprehensive Methods for Detecting BRCA1 and BRCA2 Mutations in Breast and Ovarian Cancer
Lucky M., H., Baig S., Hanif M., H Asghar A.

Folic Acid-Conjugated Nanoniosomes: An Effective Carrier for Targeted Bleomycin Delivery in Oral Cancer
Salehan F., Mohammadi Y., Shieh M., Askarizadeh M., Rahmani S., Alishahi F., Hheidari A.

Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF) Immunoreactivity Pattern in Different Cervical Cancer Types in a Tertiary Healthcare Facility in South Eastern Nigeria
Amalachukwu Okwukwe I., Samuel Ifedioranma O., Elebua Okereke E., Ramson Chinemerem A., Christian Kelechi A., Jonathan Uja M., Ugochukwu Nyenke C.

Unleashing Translational Opportunities of Loco-Regional Drug Delivery to Treat Malignancy
Sachan P., Shrivastava P., Goswami M.

Association Between Autoimmune Thyroiditis and Thyroid Cancer: A Systematic Review of Studies in the Indian Population
Borah M., Sharma A., Mazumder T., Bhuyan A.

Plant Secondary Metabolites Inhibit Cancer by Targeting Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor (EGFR): An Updated Review on their Regulation and Mechanisms of Action
Jamal A., Arif A., Shahid M., N., Kiran S., Batool Z.

Potential Effect of Spirulina Extracts on Serum Iron Reduction: Possible Application in Cancer Treatment
Asker Hamadi A., Noory Fajer A.

Minimizing the Risk of Sample Mix-ups in the Molecular Pathology Section in Oncology Center Using Risk Assessment Matrix (RAM)
Al Haddabi I., Ibrahim R., Ali AlSheidi S., Busaidi A., Ghufran N., AlDhahli S., Al Awor O., Al Zajali R., Majed M., Deshpande P., Al Housni K., Zribi A., AlAwaisi H., Ayaad O., AlBaimani K.

Low PD-1 mRNA Expression in Peripheral Blood of Childhood Leukemia
Aisyi M., Azhar M., Dwijayanti F., Faujiah U.

Relationship of Tumor-Associated Neutrophil Expression and Neutrophil-to-Lymphocyte Ratio with Clinical Response to Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy in Locally Advanced Breast Cancer
Rahman A.,. . I., Ferianto D., Nelwan B., Ardiansyah B., D., Alvina Y., Faruk M.

ALDH1A1 as a Stem Cell Marker and its Correlation with the Clinico-pathological Parameters in Invasive Mammary Carcinoma
ED Hassab El-Naby N., Hashem Mohammed M., Ahmed N.

Enhancing the Cytotoxic Effects of Carboplatin and Cisplatin on Liposomes in Oral Cancer Cells with Curcumin
Saeidi N., Ansarikojouri M., Mardani M., Rezazadeh R., Khanlari Goodarzi M., Amiri F.

Utilizing Niosome Nanoparticles for the Combined Treatment of Curcumin and Cisplatin in Oral Cancer
Rezaei F., Fesharakinia T., Balsini Gavanaroudi S., Rezaeianjam M., Khanlari Goodarzi M., Abdollahi M., Akaberi K.

Nanoliposomes Meet Folic Acid: A Precision Delivery System for Bleomycin in Cancer Treatment
Shakiba D., Mohammadiun Shabestari A., Mokhtari T., Khanlari Goodarzi M., Saeed S., Zinatbakhsh Z., Akaberi K., Allahyartorkaman M.

Unveiling the Anticarcinogenic Efficacy of Nirgundi with Emphasis on Oral Cancer: A Comprehensive Review
Ravi A., V V., K B V., Padmanabhan G., Venkatkumar S., K R.

Assessing Health Literacy, Learning Needs, and Patient Satisfaction in Cancer Care: A Holistic Study in the Omani Context
Ayaad O., Ibrahim R., AlHasni N., S., Salman B., M., Sawaya Z., G., Al Zadjali R., Al Faliti B., AlGhaithi M., M., AlBalushi M., H., AlFahdi A., S., AlAwaisi H., S., AlBaimani K.

Ameliorative Potential of Ursolic Acid Isolated from Morina coulteriana Royle Targeting P53 Gene Mutation Induced by Cyclophosphamide
kour J., Lone B., A., Shah N., u.,-d., Ganai B., A. Ali M.,. N., Akbar S.

The Association of Helicobacter pylori Infection and Virulence Factors in Gastric Cancer in Thi-Qar, Iraq
Qasim M., T. Mohammed Z. I.

Diagnostic Accuracy of Tumor Imprint Cytology for Ovarian Cancer
Baral G., Sharma R., Shrestha O., Marahatta S., B., Singh S.

The Relationship between Tumor Budding and Stromal Maturity with Tumor Characteristic and Survival in Patients Gastric Cancer
Kamrani G., Noshadi N., Hosseini A., Nikbakhsh N., Ranaee M., Alizadeh-Navaei R.

The Epidemiological Trends of Primary Benign and Malignant Bone Tumors in Iran
Salarvand S., Abdollahi A., Shams Ardekani S., Mortazavi S., M., J., Nazar E.

In vitro Assessment of Paclitaxel-loaded Niosome Nanoparticles and Their Cytotoxic Effects on the Ovarian Cancer Cell Line A2780CP
Khaje N., Salehan F., Shakiba D., Shabestari A., M., Shoarishoar S. S.

Enhancing the Cytotoxic Effects of Paclitaxel, Methotrexate, and Vincristine on Oral Cancer Cells with Curcumin
Ziaei S., M., Khaje N., Zaman M., Ziaei S., Bagheri Shahzadeh Aliakbari R.

Comparison among Various Prognostic Pathologic Markers Revealed Significantly Poorer Prognosis in Non-basal-like than in Basal-like Triple Negative Breast Cancer
Samarnthai N., Sa-nguanraksa D., Warnnissorn M., Sasanakietkul T., Thuwajit P., O-charoenrat P., Chuangsuwanich T.

Real-World Clinical Outcomes of Low Dose versus Standard Dose Abiraterone in Patients with Metastatic Castration-Resistant Prostate Cancer: A Prospective Pragmatic Study
Razmjoo S., Hosseini S., M., Bagheri A., Feli M., Karimi F.

Diagnostic Values of Ki67, Cox2, CD31, E-cadherin, VEGF, MMP2, and MMP9 Protein Expression in Human Melanoma
Karkhaneh Yousefi N., Muhammadnejad A., Rahmati M., Ghanadan A., Razavirad A.

Considerations Regarding CHSY1 Knockdown and Its Influence on Gene Expression Profiles: A Perspective from Protein Interaction Network Analysis
Zamanian-Azodi M., Ahmadzadeh A., Rezaei M., Robati R. M

Effect of Mobile Phone Base Stations on Antioxidant and Oxidant Serum Levels: Possible Impact on Cancer Development
Ali Hadhod S., Noory Fajer A.

Colorectal Cancer in Patients Younger than 40 years -Analysis of Clinicopathological Profile and Treatment Pattern
PS A., Narayanan G., B S., S., BR K. K.

Targeted Oral Therapy: Utilization of Metal-Organic Frameworks
Shaji A., Saravanan A

Unusual Clinical Presentation of Clear Cell Sarcoma Masquerading as Cutaneous Lymphoma, in a Young Male
Dhal I., Mishrikotkar S., Pal P.

Breast Cancer in Young Women: Analysis of Incidence, Clinicopathological Profile and Biological Behaviour in a Tertiary Care Institute from South India
B S., S., Narayanan G., PS A., BR K. K.

Advancing Cancer Care Infrastructure in Cambodia: Summary of the First 100 Patients with Cervical Cancer Treated at the National Cancer Centre
Gardner J., Eav S., Rath B., Bunpa P., Mel M., Ath V., Thou S., Lim O., Berchuck A., Sherertz T.

Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology (FNAC): An Effective, Less Invasive Preoperative Diagnostic Technique for Breast Lesions
Ogenyi S., Okani C., Unachukwu I., Onu J., Ike A., Nyenke C.

Decursin Inhibits Expression and Nuclear Localization of DNMT and HDAC, and Suppresses the Growth and Survival of Prostate Cancer Cells
Dwivedi L., Jaiswal A., Punia R., Suresh Kumar R. Yim D., Rajamani P., Singh R.

A Statistical Analysis of the Role of Various Co-variables in Determining the Number of Nodes to be Dissected in Endometrial Cancer Using the CART Model, AHGPIC
Parija J., Nayak B., Padhi A., Pattnaik S., S., Mohapatra M., Mohaptra J., Das R., Devi P., Kumar Giri S., Samantray S., Pattnaik L., Mohanty S., Mohanty S., Panda S., Panda N., Nath Senapthi S.

Assessment of the HER2 Equivocal Cases in Breast Cancer Following Laterality
Gadhia P., Joshi N., Vaniawala S.

Studying the Characteristics of Curcumin-Loaded Liposomal Nanoparticles
Afyouni I., Ghanbarikondori P., Sadeghi Pour N., Mir Hashemian P., Jalali F., Sedighi A., Allahyartorkaman M.

Expression of PD-L1 (DAKO 28-8) in Urothelial Carcinoma of Urinary Bladder
Azmat H., Masood A., Sohail Chaudry S., Mushir S., I., Khalid Sheikh A., Kiran Riaz S.

The Application of Polybutyl Cyanoacrylate (PBCA) Nanoparticles in Delivering Cancer Drugs
Salehi V., Izadkhah M., Salehi H., Sadeghi Pour N., Ghanbarikondori P.

Cancer Care in Elderly Patients; A Record Based Retrospective Analysis of Clinical Profile and Overview of Treatment
Panikkar D., Narayanan G., BR K. K.

Molecular Epidemiology of Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) in Women’s Cervical Samples from Tehran, Iran
Kashefi F., Alizadeh M., Sadat Kalaki N., Ejlalidiz M., Yazdani S., Shayestehpour M., Farsi M., Emtiazi N., Hemmasi G., Karbalaie Niya M. H.

Acute Toxicities and Treatment tolerance of Neoadjuvant Chemoradiation in Rectal Cancer: A Tertiary Cancer Centre Analysis
Penumur M., Chanayil G., Goswami S., Goswami B., C., Paul M., Bora G.

The Expression of Ki-67 and E-cadherin in Triple Negative Breast Cancer: A Hospital Based Study
Nishat L., Tanjin R., Arjuman F., Yesmin Z., Laboni U., Amee S.

Eyelid Tumours: An Institutional Experience on Clinicopathological Profile and Management
BR K., K., S A., Narayanan G.

A Real World Analysis of Safety and Efficacy of Nilotinib when Used as First Line and Beyond: Retrospective Single Centre Study Representing Largest Cohort of Indian Patients Treated with Nilotinib
Kumar S., Singh A., Singh N., Faizi A., Mishra B., Gupta A., Yadav A.

A Case of Dynamic Molecular Profile in Metastatic Lung Adenocarcinoma and the Significance of Multiple-site Testing
Paturu R., Lingaiah R., Singh S., Kumari N., Krishnani N.

Biomarker Panel for Early Detection in Uterine Cancer: A Review
priya N. Nanda Kumar K. V. Charani M. S., Bindu D. Reddy K. L., Gowthami Y.

Overexpression of Mammaglobin-A in Primary Breast Tissue Tumor and High Concentration of mRNA Mammaglobin-A in Peripheral Blood as Risk Factors for Metastatic Breast Cancer
Suryawisesa I., B., M., Manuaba I. B. T. W.

Improving Cancer Therapy: Design, Synthesis, and Evaluation of Carboplatin-Based Nanoliposomes against Breast Cancer Cell Lines
Hadisadegh S., N., Ghanbarikondori P., Sedighi A., Afyouni I., Javadpour N., Ebadi M.

Haematolymphoid Tumours Karyotypes: A Moroccan Population Retrospective Study from 1992 to 2021
Charlène Soro S., G., Benchikh S., Charoute H., El Hamouchi A., Aboulfaraj J., Razoki L., Zarouf L., Elbakay C., Rifai L., L., Saile R., Lebrazi H., Nassereddine S.

New Treatments (MSC) in Immune Disorders Like Cancers and Covid Infection: Cancer and Virus New Treatment (MSC )
Ghasemi Darestani N., Hashemi S., Rahimi Z., Janghorbanian Poodeh R.

Investigating the Health-related Quality of Life in Hepatitis C Patients with Liver Cirrhosis Using Oral Antivirals, Before and after the Treatment
Haghighat S., Salimi Akinabadi A., Zandi M., Halimi A., Bana Derakhshan H., Al-Yateem N., Momani A., Mosavi Jarrahi A., Maria Dias J.

KRAS Mutation Status in Colorectal Epithelial Tumors of Colorectal Cancer
Chakraborty A., Dey S., Ghatak I., Ray P., Bhattacharya S., Sengupta A.

An Observational Study of Stromal CD10 Expression in Breast Carcinoma and Its Association with Clinicopathological Parameters at SMS Medical College and Hospital
Sharma A., Hemrajani D., Harsh A., Pancharia A., Yadav M.

Epidemiology and Management of Immune Thrombocytopenia in Adult Patients in Algeria: A Non-interventional, Longitudinal, Nationwide Estimation Study
Bekadja M., Bradai M., Hamdi S., Boudjerra N., Saidi M., Grifi F., Saidi D., Mesli N., Zouaoui Z., Lakhdari N., Mehalhal N., Sidi Mansourl N., Tiaïba R., K., Lakehal S., Saad H.

Twenty-Seven Cases of Marjolins Ulcer; An Institutional Experience on Diagnosis, Treatment and Outcomes
BR K., K., Shankar A., P., Narayanan G., M S G.

Angiogenesis in Breast Cancer: A Review
Gamde M., Ogenyi O.

CEA as a Tumor Marker in Predicting Pelvic and Para-aortic Lymph Node Metastasis in Squamous Cell Carcinoma Cervix
BR K., K., Viswanathan B., Reddy S.

Oral Cancer and HPV: Review Article
Pirmoradi Z., Nazari K., Shafiee N., Nikoukar N., Minoo S., Ghasemi H., Ghanbarikondori P., Allahyartorkaman M.

Biomarkers for Early Detection of Ovarian Cancer: A Review
Gari Bindu D., Nanda Kumar K., V., Likitha Reddy K., Siva Charani M., Gowthami Y.

Investigating the Effect of Magnesium in Preventing Tremors after Anesthesia: A Systematic Review
Esmailpour Roshan M., Jafari H.

Breast Cancer Therapies: A Review
S. Adebayo K., J. Ajao J., M. Oderemi O., P. Ughagwu K.

Association of Genetic Polymorphisms in Base excision Repair Pathways and Cervical Cancer Risk Factors in a Tertiary Care Centre
Charles M., Raza S., T., Pratap P., Eba A.

Investigating the Properties and Cytotoxicity of Cisplatin-Loaded Nano-Polybutylcyanoacrylate on Breast Cancer Cells
Gorgzadeh A., Hheidari A., Ghanbarikondori P., Arastonejad M., Ghasemi Goki T., Aria M., Allahyartorkaman A., Moazzam F., Jabbari Velisdeh Z., Saberian E., Habiba A., Mirmoghaddam P., Eslami S., Sedighi A.

Voided Urine Sample in the Diagnosis of Prostate Cancer in Patients with Serum PSA Ranging between 2.6 to 10 ng/mL
C. Ghagane S., Shadab R., Nerli R. B. Rai S., Thakur M., Gomella L.

Review on Automated Skin Cancer Detection Using Image Processing Techniques
Jafari H., Esmailpour Roshan M.

Rectal Polyp Prolapse: A Case Report
Agarwal N., Nath Choudhury D., Minocha A.

Oral Cancer at a Glance
Saberian E., Jenča A., Petrášová A.,án., Jenčová J., Atazadegan Jahromi R., Seiffadini R.

Differences in Nasopharyngeal and Lung Histopathology in Wistar Rats (Rattus norvegicus) Given Inhaled Formaldehyde Exposure with Doses of 20, 30, and 40 ppm
Niti Wedayani A., A., A., Qadar Punagi A., Audrey N., Cangara H., Kawi Junior D., G., Yusuf R.

The Role of Ubiquitin-specific Peptidases in Colorectal Cancer: A Systematic Review Protocol
Al-Balushi E., Al-Marzouqi A., Tavoosi S., Baghsheikhi A., H., Sadri A., Sharifi Aliabadi L., Salarabedi M.,-M., Rahman S., A., Al-Yateem N., Mosavi Jarrahi A., Halimi A., Ahmadvand M., M Abdel-Rahman W.

Pseudo-invasive Vasculocentric Adenomyosis- A Diagnostic Dilemma
Akhtar K., Abrari A., Tirkey R.

Laparoscopic Sentinel Lymph Node Mapping Using NIR Fluorescence with ICG in Early Endometrial Cancer: Experience at a Tertiary Care Oncology Centre
Bhati P., Gupta S., Garg M., Puthenveettil N., Nair I., Rajanbabu A.

Red Meat Intake and Risk of Leukemia: A Protocol of Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Soleimani Y., Sadeghi P., Talebi Taheri A., Asadipour F., Azizi F., Khavari T., Karimiyan M., Halimi A., Mosavi Jarrahi A.

Long non-coding RNA Panel on Prognosis of Glioma in Iranian Patients
Esmaeili S., Kazerani M., Arjmandrad E., Pourzarin A., Falahati A., Khosravani A., Sarli A., Ashoori H.

A Rare Case Report of Carcinoma Gall Bladder with Brain Metastasis in 18 Year Old Male
Mahajan D., Kamaraj T.

Melanotic Neuroectodermal Tumor of Infancy: A Case Series and Comprehensive Review of this Rare Pediatric Neoplasm
Dhal I., Lali B., Chowdhury Z., Saha S.

Risk Factor in Carcinoma Esophagus in Punjab Region of North India
Mahajan D., Makkar N., Singh Banipal R. P.

Esophageal Pleural Fistula in Esophageal Squamous Cell Carcinoma: A Diagnostic Challenge
Salarieh N., Gholami R., Soltani M., Askarian M., Ketabi Moghadam P.

Analysis of Probable Risk Factors of Gastric Intestinal Metaplasia in Patients Referred to the Gastroenterology Clinic with Dyspepsia
Mahmoudieh L., Salarieh N., Forootan M., Fatemizadeh S., Ketabi Moghadam P.

Preparation, Characterization and Cytotoxic Studies of Cisplatin-containing Nanoliposomes on Breast Cancer Cell Lines
Mohammadinezhad F., Talebi A., Allahyartorkaman M., Nahavandi R., Vesal M., Akbarzadeh Khiyavi A., Jabbari Velisdeh Z., Saberian E., Mirmoghaddam P., Eslami S., Ghanbarikondor P., Sedighi A., Habiba A.

Correlation of PDL-1 Expression with Tumour Budding and Tumour Infiltrating Lymphocytes in Colorectal Cancers
Singh T., Singh A., Bind M., Misra V., Misra S.P. Dwivedi M., Ahmad S.

Involvement of p.R72P and PIN3 Ins16bp (TP53) Polymorphisms and the I157T (CHEK2) Mutation in Breast Cancer Occurrence in Burkina Faso
Dabre S., Zoure A., A., Kiendrébéogo T.,é Zongo N., Amegnona L., J., Sombie H., Adico M., Bakyono Bélélé Traoré L., Ouedraogo T.,-W.,é Alice Ouedraogo R., M. Zohoncon T.,éo., Yonli A., Sawadogo A., W. Djigma F., Simpore J.

Papillary Endometrial Adenocarcinoma with Cervical Dysplasia: Report of a Case and Review of Literature
Ramezani M., Siami S., Hosseini S., Sadeghi M.

Value of Glypican-1 Expression in Pleural Epithelioid Mesothelioma, Adenocarcinoma and Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Lung
ED Hassab El-Naby N., Saber Mohammed Ahmed M., Ahmed N.

Prognostic Impact of Human Papilloma Virus Infection on Cervical Cancer Patients Reflected by p16ink4a Expression: Single Institution Experience
Ismail R., M., Gaballah A., Salama A., Shakweer M., Meckawy G., R., Mahmoud Faisal M.

Issues and Challenges in Diagnoses of Borderline Ovarian Neoplasms by Frozen Section
Sarma U., Das N., Phukan N.

Adults Myelodysplastic Syndromes in Algeria: A Study by the Algerian MDS Group
Bekadja M., Fenaux P., Akrouf S., Ahmed-Nacer R., Hamladji R.,-m., Bouchakour A., Taoussi S., Abad M., T., Bradai M., Benzineb B., Mesli N., Cheritti M Zouaoui Z Benlazar M., Bougherira S., Grifi F., Ait-Ali H., allouda M., Djillali M., Djouadi K., Kherbache F., Hamdi S., Hamouda H., Boumeida I., Belhani M., Boudjerra N., Kaci F., Z., Osmani S., Yafour N., Barkat S., Soltani F., Nacib R., Saidi M., Touati L., Lakhdari N., Zouani S., Touhami H., Saidi D., Cherif Louazani L., Ramaoun M., Akkal C., Mehalhal N., Krim A., Sidimansour N., Ouchenane Z., Zidani N., Nekkal S., Barkat S., Ouarlent Y Aberkane M., Belakehal S., E., Bachiri A., Baghdad S.

Epigenetics and Cancer: A Comprehensive Review
Pathak A., Tomar S., Pathak S.

Prostate Cancer: Germline Mutations in BRCA1 and BRCA2
Umarane P., Ghagane S., C Nerli R.

Gold Mines: Towards Cancer Rescue
Swarna Latha B.

Mechanism of Action p53
Ali G.

Long Term Culture of Mesenchymal Stem Cells: No Evidence of Chromosomal Instability
Zamani H., Karami F., Mehdizadeh M., Baakhlag S., Zamani M.

A Preliminary Investigation on the Possibility of Developing a Cancer Vaccine Using Snake Venom Components
Wong K., Sexton D., Mosavi Jarrahi A., Hasson S.

The Effectiveness of PAlliative Split COurse RAdiotherapy (PASCORA) Regimen in Non-metastatic Head and Neck Cancer Patients who are Treated with Palliative Intent- A Retrospective Single Centre Study
Velu U., Shetty P., Singh A., Salins S., Sharan K.

A Rare Presentation of Primary Plasma Cell Leukemia: A Case Report and Review of Literature
Gaurav T D., Anusree P.

Adjuvant Radiotherapy in Primary Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma of Trachea- A Case Series
Ahirwar M., Nanda S., Mishra S., Parida S.

The Effect of Fear of Coronavirus (Covid-19) on Attitudes Toward Cancer Screening
Sayilan S., Aydin Sayilan A., Ozen N.

Importance of Multi-disciplinary Tumor Boards during the COVID-19 Global Pandemic in a Resource Constrained Country
Velu U., Shetty P., M Godkhindi V.

CDX2 and Ki-67 Expression in Gastric Carcinoma and Its Association with Clinocopathological Parameters
Pranjali C., Sulatha K., Vijaya V M.

Expression of Vitamin D Receptor (VDR) in Urinary Bladder Carcinoma: Immunohistochemical and Histopathological Study
Sharaf R., Mahmoud Abdalla B., El Naggar S., Moustafa W.

Histopathological Patterns and Luminal Subtypes among Breast Cancer Patients in the Middle Euphrates Region of Iraq
Mjali A., Obaid M., Al-Shammari H., Alwakeel A., Sedeeq A., Abbas N., Mula-Hussain L.

“See and Treat” an Advocated Approach for Precancerous Lesions of the Cervix- A North Indian Referral Center Based Randomized Control Trial
Kapur D., Gaurav A., Khoiwal K., Chowdhuri S., Panda S., Sabnani S., Chaturvedi J.

A Study of Molecular Subtypes of Carcinoma Breast by Immunohistochemistry at Tertiary Care Center, Jaipur
Arpita J., Priyanka G., Ranjana S.

Importance of Gastroduodenal Endoscopic Findings in Patients with Classic Familial Adenomatous Polyposis Syndrome
Fatemi S., R., Salarieh N., Farahani A., Fatemi S., A., Ebadi S.

A Prospective Study of I.V. Vinflunine in the Treatment of Patients with Advanced or Metastatic Urothelial Carcinoma after Failure of a Platinum-containing Regimen and Biomarker Correlates
M.A. Abouelkasem F., Y. Mohamed T., M. Khaled H., Malash I., Loay E.

Bilateral Renal Myelolipoma, Diagnosis Based on Needle Biopsy, Report of a Case
Aminparast Z., Sadeghi M., Ramezani M.

Screening and Identification of Key Genes in Hepatitis B Virus-Related Hepatocellular Carcinoma Through an Integrated Bioinformatics Approach
Nguyen T., Vu N., Tran T., Hoang H., Bui H.

Characterization of Multiple Omics Signatures in Relation to Dietary Pattern for in Silico Personalised Colon Cancer Risk Stratification: Study Protocol for a Case-control Study and the Challenges Faced During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Amani Mohammad N., M., Shahril M., R., Shahar S., Rajab N., F., Raja Ali R., A., Mohd Azman Z., A., Baharum S., N., Akramin Kamarudin A., N., Chung F., Sharif R.

Assessing Mutations in Treatment Response-related Genes in Egyptian Patients with Non-small Cell Lung Cancer
Omar A., Bahnassy A., Gaafer R., El Desouky E., Medhat A.

Correlation between CA-15-3 and Bone Scan findings in patients with Carcinoma Breast
Khatun J., Mahmood T.

Influence of Autoantibodies to Estradiol and Progesterone on the Blood Serum Hormones Concentrations in Postmenopausal Healthy Women and Breast Cancer Patients
Glushkov A., N. G. Polenok E., A. Gordeeva L., A. Mun S., Kostyanko M., V. V. Antonov A., E. Verzbitskaya N., A. Vafin I.

Detection of Human Papillomavirus Subtype 16 in Esophageal Squamous Cells Carcinoma in Sudanese Patients
Y Azza A., Elfatih A., M., E.A.Arwa M., A Huda F. A..

Evaluation of MeTree for Family Health History Collection in Sri Lanka
Hu R., De Silva V., Orlando L., Østbye T.

Alu-deletion in Bangladeshi Women: Scopes of Clinical Utility for the Detection of Early Breast Cancer as a Biomarker
Sultana G., N., Sharmin D., Jahan I., Asaduzzaman M., Begum R., Paul A., Rahman M M.

Gene Regulation by p53 in Human Cancer System
Ghosh S., Bhattacharjee M., Jana N.

Frequency of Expression of BRAF V600E and Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor (EGFR) in Ameloblastoma
Bashir N., Asif M., Malik I., Araa N., Rashid F., Uddin H., Bashir A., Shakeel Malik N.

Diagnostic and Prognostic Values of PTEN Expression in Functional and Pathological Endometrial Biopsies
Allithy A., Ammar I., Mohammed M.

Prognostic Impact on Survival of Early Relapse after Autologous Stem Cell Transplantation with Non-cryopreserved Stem Cells for Multiple Myeloma in Real Life: A Single-center Cohort Study from Oran (Algeria)
Bekadja M., Mansour B., Ouldjeriouat H., Garderet L., Benzineb B., Bouchama S., Charef L., Entasoltan B., Yafour N., Belaidi S.

Significance of CD133 Expression in Invasive Ductal Carcinoma of the Breast
Ahmed N., Mohammed M.

Study the Role of Cell Free DNA in the Diagnosis of Hepatocellular Carcinoma, an Egyptian Study
Radwan N., Abdelkhalik H., Elgayar D., Elsharkawy M.

PIK3CA, KI67, Estrogen (ER) and Progesterone Receptors (PR) Expression Pattern of in HER2 Positive Breast Cancers
Ogenyi S., I. Onu J., A. Ibeh N., C. Madukwe J., U. Onu O., A. Menkiti F. E.

The Role of Autophagy-related Proteins of Beclin-1/BECN1, LC3II, and p62/SQSTM1 in Melanoma Tumors
Hizomi Arani R., Mohammadpour H., Moosavi M., A., Muhammadnejad A., Abdollahi A., Rahmati M.

Characteristics and Prognostic Factors in Gastric Adenocarcinoma Patients with Distant Metastasis
Hoang T., Hoang V., H., Bui T. T. H.

Evaluation of Posaconazole for Primary Prophylaxis of IFI in Acute Myeloid Leukemia under Intensive Induction Chemotherapy. Comparative Real Life Study with Fluconazole in two Hematological Centers in Algeri
Amine Bekadja M., Michallet M., Benzineb B., Mesli N., Ouldjeriouat H., Serradj F., Brahimi M., Yafour N.

A Case of Nodular Fasciitis of the Breast Previously Misdiagnosed as Breast Carcinoma; A Case Report
Nazar E., Hashemi E., A., Ahmadi S., A., Baloochi K.

Genetic Diversity and Distribution of Vitamin D Receptor (VDR) Genotypes in Breast Cancer Cases from Pakistan
Faiz M., Younus A., Yasmeen A.

Anemia in Lymphoma Patients in Indonesia: The Prevalence and Predictive Factors
Hardianti M., Rizki S., Arkananda H., Dhyanti A., Setiawan S., A., - I., Dinantia N., Anggorowati N.

A Study on BCR-ABL Kinase Domain Mutations in Chronic Myeloid Leukemia from Western India
Gadhia P., Jeejan J., Shah V., Patel M., Vaniawala S.

The Expression, Morphology, and Clinical Characteristics of Fibroblast Growth Factor-10 in Breast Cancer
Molashahi S., Farhud D., Saffari M., Ebrahimi E., Emamirazavi A., Shirkoohi R.

MDM2 (T309G) Gene Polymorphism Determines the Susceptibility of Hepatocellular Carcinoma in Bangladesh
Hosen M.,. B., Khaleque N., Chakraborty S., Mahtab M., A., Kabir Y.

Hematologic Presentations of COVID-19 Can be Misinterpreted as Acute Myeloid Leukemia
Moradi Tabriz H., Nazar E., Jazayeri F., Javadi A. E.

Betel Quid, Smoking and Alcohol Dependency among Patients with Oral Potentially Malignant Disorders and Oral Cancer in Sri Lanka; A Preliminary Case-control Study
R. Sumithrarachchi S., Pemasiri W.A.U.,.C. Pathiranage A.M.S. D.,. Jayasooriya P. R.

Significance of Immunohistochemical Expression of Survivin in Renal Cell Carcinoma
Mohammed M., Abd El-Sadek Ahmed N.

Comprehensive Analysis of the Expression and Prognosis for DCTPP1 gene in Breast Cancer
Hoang T., M., Bui T., T., H., Nguyen T. T.

Association of NQO1 C609T (Pro187Ser) with Risk of Oral Submucous Fibrosis in Eastern Indian Population
Mukherjee S., Mohanty S., Katarkar A., Dhariwal R., Mahato B., Ray J., G., Chaudhuri K.

Histopathologic Characteristics of Invasive and Non-invasive Ductal Tumors have Relationship with Different Phenotypes of ER / PR Receptors in Breast Cancer Patients
Golmohammadi R., Mohajeri M., R., Mosavi Jarrahi A., Moslem A., R., Pejhan A., gohari A.

Poor Man’s Cell-block Preparation, a Novel Idea which Can be Applied to Basic Health Care Facilities in Resource-poor Settings
Saleem H., Javed M., Saleem A., Atif S., Rafi R.

Molecular Genetics of Esophageal Cancer : Indian Perspective
Ray S., Malekzadehmoghani M., S Ray S., Sen P., Chakraborty S.

Tissue Zinc Concentration in Prostate Cancer: Relationship with Prostate Specific Antigen and Gleason Score in a Cohort of Nigerian Men
Igbokwe M., Salako A., Badmus T., Obiajunwa E., Olasehinde O., Igbokwe C., David R.

Prevalence of BRAF V600E Mutation in the Iranian Patients with Hairy Cell Leukemia: A Retrospective Study
Karimi M., Monabbati A., Sargazi Moghadam N.

High Prevalence of Mitochondrial tRNA A3243G Mutation in Invasive Breast Cancer
Alhomidi M., Hasan Q.

Prevalence of Human Cytomegalovirus in Breast Cancer: A Systematic Review
Nakhaie M., Charostad J., Ghaderi-Zefrehi H., Arabzadeh S., A., M., Pourhosseini F., Makvandi M.

Real-world Treatment Patterns in Patients with EGFR Mutation-positive NSCLC Receiving a First-Line, First- or Second-generation EGFR Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitor in South Korea and Taiwan
Lee J., C., Hung J.,-Y., Kim Y.,-C., Chang G.,-C., Yoo S., Yang S.,-H., Davis K., Nagar S., Taylor A., Lee S., Shih J.-Y.

C-Fos Digital Expression Analysis in Human PapillomavirusRelated Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma
Chrysovergis A., Papanikolaou V., Mastronikolis N., Spyropoulou D., Adamopoulou M., Tsiambas E., Ragos V., Peschos D., Roukas D., Stavraka C., Niotis A., Kyrodimos E.

The Role of Ki67 and p16INK4a Biomarkers on Conventional Cell Blocks to Differentiate Post Radiation Dysplasia from Cervical Cancer in Post Therapeutic Surveillance Cytology
Desai F.,.S. Korant R., Gohil M., Shanjukumar Singh L.

Evaluation Expression COX-2 in Prostatic Carcinoma by PCR and Immunohistochemistry and Its Relationship with Gleason Score
Ghiasi M., Moradi Tabriz H., Nazar E.

Outcomes of Patients with Multiple Myeloma in Middle Euphrates Region of Iraq: Data from Developing Country
Mjali A., Jawad S., Abbas N.

Outbreak of Ralstonia Mannitolilytica Infection at a Tertiary Care Oncology Center in South India: A Case Series
Ramani V., K. D.V G., Sarathy V., Bhattacharjee S., Ganeshan S., Naik R.

EGFR and HER2neu Expression in Gall Bladder Carcinoma and Its Association with Clinicopathological Parameters - An Institutional Experience from North India
Abeer I., Khan S., Hasan M.,. J., Hussain M.

Association between Preoperative Leukocytosis and Pathological Features of Colorectal Cancers
Hajebi R., Ahmadi Amoli H., Zabihi Mahmoudabadi H., Rahimpour E., Najjari K., Nazar E.

Profile of PD-L1 mRNA Expression in Childhood Acute Leukemia
Azhar M., . C., Aisyi M.

Role of Antioxidant Gene Polymorphisms in Risk and Prognosis of Chronic Myeloid Leukemia
Kagita S., Digumarti R., Gundeti S.

Expression of Simian Virus 40 Large T-Antigen: A Case Control Study of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
Dinantia N., Anggorowati N.

C-MYC Protein Expression and High Ki-67 Proliferative Index are Predictives of Disease Relapse in Diffuse Large B Cell Lymphoma
El-Hussien M., Mokhtar N., Khorshed E.

Characteristics and Survival of 927 Moroccan Adults with Acute Myeloid Leukemia: Monocentric Experience
Ait boujmia O., k., Lamchahab M., Hda N., Quessar A.

Relationship between Serum Tumor Markers, CA-125, CEA, CA19-9, LDH, and βHCG with Histopathology and Age in Women with Ovarian Tumors
Bagde N., D Bagde M., N Lone Z. A

Epidemiological Situation and Medical Management of Gynaecological and Breast Cancers from 1998 to 2018 in West Africa: A Systematic Review
Zoure A., A., Bayala B., Bambara H., Sawadogo A., Y., Ouedraogo C., A. Lobaccaro J.,-M., Simpore J.

Copper Nanoparticles: A Review on Synthesis, Characterization and Applications
Harishchandra B., D., Pappuswamy M., PU A., Shama G., A P., Arumugam V., A., Periyaswamy T., Sundaram R.

Nano World in Cancer Therapy
Swarna latha B.

Diagnostic and Pathologic Value of Programmed Death-Ligand 1 Expression in Colon Carcinoma
Omar Helmy D., Tag El-Sabah M., Sherif Negm M., Armia M.

Diagnostic utility of Cytokeratin 13 and Cytokeratin 17 in Oral Epithelial Dysplasia and Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma
Kiani M., Asif M., Ansari F., Ara N., Ishaque M., Khan A.

Study of Serum CEA and Ca 19.9 in Esophageal Squamous Carcinoma and ROC Curve Analysis
Das S., Kakoti L., m., Ahmed S., Sarma A., ch kataki A.

Prognostic Value of Absolute Lymphocyte count, Lymphocyte percentage, Serum albumin, Aberrant Expression of CD7, CD19 and the Tumor Suppressors (PTEN and p53) in Patients with Acute Myeloid Leukemia
Sadek N., A., M Abd-eltawab S., Assem N., M., Hamdy H., A-M EL- sayed F., M. Ahmad M., A.,-R., Elhamammy R. H.

Anti-mutagenic Activity of Oxycarotenoid-rich Extracts Isolated from Coriandrum Sativum and Murraya koenigii
Anish A., Abdulkadir S., Theru A., Kurian M.

Reviewing the Role of Artificial Intelligence in Cancer
Patil S., Moafa I., H., Mosa Alfaifi M., Abdu A., M., Jafer M., A., Raju K L., Raj A. T., Sait S. M.

Micronutrients in Preventing Cancer: A Critical Review of Research
Chakraborty A., Guha S., Chakraborty D.

CD30 Expression and Its Correlation with Clinicopathologic Features in Indonesian Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma
Reynelda Santoso M., Suci Hardianti M., Indrawati I., Anggorowati N.

Cervical Cancer Screening in Pregnancy and Postpartum: A North Indian Hospital Based Prospective Observational Study
Gill P., Gaurav A., Khoiwal K., Kumari O., Bahadur A., Agarwal A., Chowdhuri S., Chaturvedi J.

Integrated Non-invasive Management of Cervical Low-Grade Squamous Intraepithelial Lesions Observed in Papanicolaou Smears with Antimicrobials Followed by Oral Curcuma Longa Extract
Joshi J., Jagtap S., Walwatkar P., Rastogi N., Nabar N., Agashe S., Hingorani L., Vaidya A.

Prognostic Significance of Microvessel Density as Assessed by anti CD34 Monoclonal Antibody in Invasive Ductal Carcinoma of Breast
Agnani B., Solanki R., Ansari M., Agnani S.

Socio-demographic and Clinical Characteristic of Women Availing Pap Smear Services in Samtse District, Bhutan
Dorji T., Pokhrel H., Tshokey T.

Investigation of Silver Nitrate on Cytotoxicity and Apoptosis in MCF7 Human Breast Carcinoma Cells
Kaplan A., Mehtap Kutlu H.

Survival Benefit of Transarterial Chemoembolization for Hepatocellular Carcinoma
Ahmad W., Rehman I., Majeed O., Khalid Niazi I., Aftab Mufti K., Iqbal A.

Genetic Polymorphism of Glutathione S-transferase and Cervical Cancer Susceptibility in Northeastern Thailand
Settheetham-Ishida w., Wongpratate M., Phuthong S., Natphopsuk S., Ishida T.

Analysis of Chromosomal Aberrations and Micronuclei in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Patients
Pappuswamy M., Rajesh N., Maria Philip A.

Expression of Villin associated with Epithelial to Mesenchymal Transition in patients with gastric cancer relating to their clinical and morphological specifications
Azizi S., M., Hashemi M., Falsafi S., Azizi S., M., Shirkoohi R.

CDKs family -a glimpse into the past and present: from cell cycle control to current biological functions
Shah M., Qureshi M., Mohammad D., Lakhani M., Urooj T., Mushtaq S.

Prevalence of Traditional and Complementary Alternative Medicine’s Use among Cancer Patients in South Peninsular Malaysia
Razali N., Ali A., Hua Gan S., Sen Lim C.

Cytotoxic Activity of Epigallocatechin and Trans-Cinnamaldehyde in Gastric Cancer Cell Line
Toofani Milani A., Rashidi S., Mahmoudi R., Karimi Douna B.

Meta-analysis of Studies Investigating Association between FTO Gene Polymorphisms and Breast Cancer
Gholamalizadeh M., Doaei S., Sanjari Moghadam A., Movafagh A., Mousavi Jarrahi S., Z., Mosavi Jarrahi A.

Cancer and Opium Addiction
Ghahremani H., Mosavi Jarrahi A., Salami S.

Examining the Expression of miR-205 and CEA mRNA in Peripheral Blood of Patients with OSCC(Oral Squamous Cell Carcinomas) and Comparing them with Healthy People
Nazarian A., Mohamadnia A., Danaee E., Bahrami N.

DNA Methylation Tools and Strategies: Methods in a Review
Karbalaie Niya M., H., Roshan-zamir N., Mortazavi E.

Risk Factors for Endometrial Cancer among Post-menopausal Women in South Africa
RAY S., Zohorinia S., Bhattacharyya D., Chakravorty S., Ray S.

Hypoxia inducible factor-1 alpha (Hif-1 alpha) polymorphism in lymphoma and reactive lymphoid hyperplasia
YILMAZ S., Yoruk A., Zemheri I.,ır Kuskucu A., Suakar O., Imamova N., Canizci P.

Chrysin Sensitizes Human Lung Cancer Cells to Tumour Necrosis Factor Related Apoptosis-Inducing Ligand (TRAIL) Mediated Apoptosis
Mehdi S., H., Zafaryab M., Nafees S., Khan A., Ahmad I., Hafeez Z., Rizvi M.

Tumor Microenvironment in Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma: A Focus on Tumor-Infiltrating Lymphocytes
Norouzian M., Balouchi-Anaraki S.

Association of rs61803665 Polymorphism in the F11R Gene with Increased Risk of Gastric Cancer
Khalili Z., Moghanibashi M., Ghaderi A.

Evaluation of Microorganisms in Cervical Smears: A Single Institutional Experience
Alwahaibi N., Alrubkhi M., Rani Bai U.

GSTM1 and GSTT1 Polymorphisms and Susceptibility to Acute Myeloid Leukemia: A Case-control Study of the Sudanese Population
Babekir E., Abdelateif N., Adelrahim S., Hassan R., Ibrahim I.

Poly (ADP-ribose) Polymerase Promoter Hypermethylation Predispose Females to Breast Cancer
Sabit H., Nazir S., Abdel-Ghany S., A. Said O., W. Mohammed E., M. Badawy O., l-zayyat A., I. Alqosaibi A., Cevik E., Tombuloglu H., Elzawahri M.

Somatic BRCA Mutation in High Grade Epithelial Ovarian Cancer Patients
Manchana T., Lertkhachonsuk R., Teerapakpinyo C.

Correlation of Peritumoral Edema and Microvessel Density with Tissue Expression of VEGF, Semaphorins 3A and 3C in Patients with Meningioma
Salimi-Sotoodeh M., Saffarian A., Taghipour M., Dehghanian A.,-R., Chenari N., Ghaderi A., Razmkhah M.

Effects of Curcumin in Combination with Doxorubicin in Human Colorectal Cancer Cell Line
Rostamzadeh Khameneh Z., Mohammadian M., Rasouli M., A., Moradi Z., Ahmadi Z., Akbarzadeh Khiyavi A.

Cytotoxic Activity of Some Azole Derivatives
Faghih Z., Rezaei Z., Jamshidzade A., Keshavarz A., Khabnadideh S.

Natural Killer T Cells (NKT cells) Functions in Malignancies
Balouchi-Anaraki S., Nourozian M.

Dihydropyrimidine Dehydrogenase Gene Variation and Its Association with 5-Fluorouracil Toxicity in Colorectal Patients
Salehifar E., Abd Haghighi M., J., Negarandeh R., Janbabai G., Safgafi F., Jalali H.

Detection of miR-21, MUC1mRNA and VEGF Protein Biomarkers Expression Changes in Oral Squamous Cell Carcinomas (OSCC) in Peripheral Blood
Payehghadr S., Bahrami N., Mohammadi F., Naji T., Mohamadnia A.

Cytotoxic Effect of Two Novel Platinum (II) Complexes on Breast Cancer: An in Vitro Study
Akbarzadeh S., Ebrahimi F., Faghih Z., Movahed A., Faghih Z.

Immunostimulatory and Anti-inflammatory Effect of Ganoderma Lucidum on Breast Cancer Patients
AK. Mohammed Ali N., Abdulkareem Saeed H., T. Othman R.

HLA-G: Facts and Fictions
Khodabandeh Shahraki P., Alavian-Mehr A., Farjadian S.

Selective Toxicity of Non-polar Bioactive Compounds of Sea Cucumber (Holothuria sabra) Extracts on Isolated Mitochondria and Hepatocytes of Induced Hepatocellular Carcinoma Rat Model
Seyed Razi N., Arast Y., Nazemi M., Pourahmad J.

Carbon Disulfide (CS2) Induced Chromosomal Alterations and Apoptosis in Circulated Blood Lymphocytes of Personnel Working in Viscose Industry
Pappuswamy M., Sundaram R., M Kuppanna H., Periyasamy T.

A Potential Effect of Rh-BMP2 on P53 Gene Expression in the Proceeding Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma in Hamsters
Zaid K., Barakat C., Murad R., Abou Qersh N., Chantiri M.

Dominant and Recessive Genetic Models of LSP1 Gene rs3817198 Polymorphism and Breast Cancer Risk: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis Study
Sanjari Moghaddam A., Roodgar M., Mansourpour H., Mosavi Jarrahi A.

Prognostic Significance of MGMT Promoter Methylation in Egyptian GBM Patients: A Single-institution Experience
Abdel Moneim R., Abdel-Rafei M., Hassan H., El-Zawahry I., Bassam Hashem W.

The Effect of Time on Apoptosis Changes Following Ischemia-Reperfusion in Isolated Heart of Rats
Dostar Y., Gorjani A., Hashemi M., Rezapour Shahir R.

An Experimental Study on Apoptosis in Lymphoid Tissues of SPF Chicken after Avian Influenza Serotypes H9N2 Infection
Doustar Y., Troughi R., Hashemi M., Mohajeri D., Movafagh A.

Retrospective Analysis of Prevalence of High-risk and Low-risk Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Genotypes in Iranian Women During 2013-2016
Chalabiani S., Khodadad Nazari M., Shabani M., Razavi Davoodi N., Sarafnejad A., Amirzargar A. A.

Adiponectin Level in Women with Breast Cancer
Homaee F., Ghaffarzadehgan K., Aziminia A., Ghodrati H., Izanloo A., Ziaolhagh R., Ardalan Khales S.

Clinicopathological Characteristics and Survival Status of Male Breast Cancer, a Single Center Experience
Shiryazdi S., M., Abrishami N., Forat-Yazdi M., Mortazavizadeh S., M., R., Neamatzadeh H.

Assessment of Cytotoxicity on Moringa Olifera Against Ehrlich Ascites Carcinoma in Swiss Albino Mice
Devi T G., Suryadevara S N., L R G.

Renal Cell Carcinoma: A Cancer-testis Antigen Poor Malignancy
Faramarzi S., Ghafouri-Fard S.

Synthesis of Paclitaxel Loaded on Nanoparticles of Archaeosomes and Investigation of Its Anti-cancer Properties
Mazloumi Tabrizi M., Jafarzadeh Rastin S., Kabiri N., Akbarzadeh Khiyavi A.

Surgical Outcomes and Prognostic Factors in Cervical Cancer: A 12 year, Single-center Experience
Tantitamit T., Hamontri S.

Survival Outcome in Men with Prostate Cancer in Yazd Province, Central Iran, from 2001 to 2012
Vahedian Ardakani H., A., Moghimi M., Shayestehpour M., Doosti M., Salari Shahrbabaki F.

Improving the Efficacy of Cisplatin using Niosome Nanoparticles Against Human Breast Cancer Cell Line BT-20 : An In Vitro Study
Kanaani L., Mazloumi Tabrizi M., Akbarzadeh Khiyavi A., Javadi I.

Disruption of FGF2-Heparin-FGFR1 Complex Formation by Antiangiogenic Small Molecule Found In Silico
Mahdavi M., S., Shokrgozar M., A., Sardari S., Majidi M., Ghadam M.

Molecular Analysis of Acquired Tamoxifen Resistance in Breast Cancer Cell Line
Abachi M., Salati M., Araghi S., Shirkoohi R., Eslamifar A.

Air Pollution and Breast Cancer in Iranian Women Living in Tehran Metropolis
Minaee F., Sohrabi M., r., Heidarnia M., A., Mosavi Jarrahi A.

Cost Analysis of Oral Cancer Treatment in a Tertiary Care Referral Center in India
Ramireddy J., Sundaram D., Chacko R.

My Experience Regarding to Hydatidiform Mole as a Precancerous Condition
Shamshiri Milani H.

Post- operative Radiotherapy of Conjunctival Malignancies: A Series of 24 Cases
Belaïd A., Nasr C., Jmour O., Cherif A., Kamoun H., Mahjoubi K., Abidi R., Yahiaoui S., Zarraa S., Yousfi A., Gargouri W., Bouguila H., Besbes M., Benna F.

Surveying Mutagenic and Anti-mutagenic Effects of Citrus Limon
Entezari M., Majd A., Falahian F., Mehrabian S., Hashemi M., Movafagh A.

Exposure to Air Pollution and Risk of Cancer in Children- A Case Control Study
Mazloumi Tabrizi M., Hosseini S., A., Akbarzadeh Khiyavi A.

Genetics Poly Cystic Ovary Syndrome
Bahadori A., Khazamipour A., D.Farhud D.

LSP1 Gene rs3817198 Polymorphism and Breast Cancer Risk: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis Study
Sanjari Moghaddam A., Roodgar M., Mansourpour H., Mosavi Jarrahi A.

Studying Variation in Cell Apoptosis Caused by Corticosteroids in Thymus of the Rat
Dustar Y., Hashemi M., Malayeri H., Ghazi Jahani Z., Neshat Gharamaleki M., Shaveisi Zadeh F., Karaminia A., A., Movafagh A.

Association between TP53 codon 72 G>C Polymorphism and Thyroid Carcinoma Risk: An Up-to-Date Meta-Analysis
Jafari Nedooshan J., Yazdi M., F., Neamatzadeh H., Zare Shehneh M., Kargar S., Seddighi N.

Global Liver Cancer Incidence and Mortality Rates, the Role of Human Development Index
Soheylizad M., Mansori K., Ayubi E., Jenabi E., Veisani Y., Khosravi Shadmani F., Mansouri Hanis S., Moradi Y., Khazaei S.

Substitution Analysis in Nutrition Sciences: A Tutorial
Doaei S., Mosavi Jarrahi A., Gholamalizadeh M., Nazarzadeh M.

The Use of Monoclonal Antibodies in the Treatment of Alzheimer Disease
Moradi-Sardareh H., Moradi M., Bordbar E., Malekpour M., Bagheri S., Nakhodazadeh N., Rahbar S., Farhadian Asgarabadi J.

Solid Phase Microextraction for Measuring Agricultural Pesticides in Natural Samples
Mehrdiba T., Piriyaei M., Kanaani L.

Personalised Medicine in Modern Era
Movafagh A.

The IRX3 Gene; the Missing Link between the FTO Gene and Obesity
Doaei S., Gholamalizadeh M., Mousavi Jarrahi A., Badakhanian M., Najafi R.

The Effects of ATO on Mitochondria Apoptosis Pathway Genes Expression in APL Cell Line
Sharifizadeh M., Davarian K., Hashemi M., Momeni M., Ali Moghdam K., Ghavamzadeh A., Ghafari H., Movafagh A.

Respect for Human Dignity in Caring for Patients with Cancer in Ilam, Perspectives of Patients and Nurses
Borji M., Mousavi Moghadam S., R., Meymizade M.

Using High Resolution Melting Method for Detecting Nucleotide Polymorphisms of STK11 Gene Germline in Patients with Digestive System Cancers
Hosseini S., J., Nazemi A., Hashemi M., Miri Nargesi M., Sharirfi S., Shaveisi Zadeh F., Karaminia A., A., Movafagh A.

The Inauguration of Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Biology
Mosavi Jarrahi A.

Aptamers and Cancer
Yazdanpanahi N., Hashemi M., Movafagh A.

Investigation of Characteristics and Behavior of Loaded Carboplatin on the, Liposomes Nanoparticles, on the Lung and Ovarian Cancer: An In-Vitro Evaluation
Hasanzadegan Roudsari M., Saeidi N., Kabiri N., Ahmadi A., Mazloumi Tabrizi M., Ebrahimi Shahmabadi H., Akbarzadeh Khiyavi A., Reghbati B.

Quantification of Main Bcr-abl Gene Transcripts in CML Patients Using Competitive RT-PCR
Nazemi A., Hashemi M., Sharifi S., Movafagh A.

Mobile Phone Use and Brain Tumor: An Age-Period-Cohort Analysis of Brain Tumor Rates in the Nordic Population
Ranjbaran M., Khodadost M., Mansori K., Mousavi Jarrahi S., H., Ayubi E., Nazarzadeh M., Mosavi Jarrahi A.